Re: Grrr Need some advice ShipSet Blues
Try what the ILM boys do: pick a common object (outboard motor) and then distort and elaborate on it (B-Wing Fighter).
street light head
PS/2-to-9-pin-D (serial) connector
ergonomic mouse or trackball
toilet (would be difficult to make it unrecognizable enough to be a nice ship set)
egg beater
sun glasses
head phones
maple leaf
sea shell (may ne difficult to loose the 'organic' look)
feline shoulder blade (nicely unsymetrical)
bird pelvis
PCI card
hand soap pump dispenser
shrimp fork
men's belt buckel
wall sconce
mezo-american anthropomorphic pottery
cooling fan
bottle opener
unindetifiable women's jewlery
WWII tanks
mushroom cloud
Full Winsor knot
slice of pie
I think the most promising of that heap is the shoulder blade.