Rules-Conduct-Playing to win-and Gamy moves?
Rules-Conduct-Playing to win
Let have a little discussion about game ethics here. If a player makes a “gamy”, but within the posted rules, move, should the Game owner be able to make a post indicating that the play had transgressed with out first contacting the player?
And, should gamy moves be normally allowed?
Player takes over an empire knowing that it is way behind and will never be able to win. He knows this and wants to just get a little experience. He kills a few minor plants and then kills a few big fleets that come looking for satisfaction. Two much larger stronger players are at war with him. One declares war the other just takes what he wants with out doing the paper work. So there are two wars. The player makes the second war official by making the declaration. The situation is hopeless and only the kindness of others would keep the empire in the game. The player then surrenders to the player that made the war without the declaration. The intent being to let him have the “joy” of micromanaging the spoils back into productive colonies. Quite a chore in this game. That player objected to the surrender, but only to the game owner, not publicly. It can only be assumed that this player is not playing to win as is his right. But does he have the right to refuse the surrender and roll back the turn? And does the Game master have the right to post that the action was a breach (cheat) without first asking the player that surrendered about it? And if the posted rules of the game did not address the issue, can the rules be altered without the unanimous agreement of all players?
As you can guess, I am the one who made the “gamy” move. The questions are for my information as much as anything. But there is still a matter of a post that implied that I had committed a breach. IMHO that is a serious accusation that should be addressed. This is not a case of a player surrendering to an ally as has been discussed before. The intent was along the lines of “be careful what you ask for (take), because you might get more than you bargained for. And the questions are as above,
1) What are the normal limits on Gamy moves not covered by rule?
2) Can a player refuse surrender as in not play to win?
3) And what are the limits of a game owner’s right as far as posting on the actions of the players.
I had intended to work this out by email, but I can only assume that the lack of a reply to my Last email indicates that the party does not feel that I deserve the respect of a continued discussion.
Think about it