Psychology mods? Increasing the role of troops?
I'm fairly new to the game and I mostly play Proportions, but I was wondering: Do any mods add to the Psychology tree? It seems fairly underdeveloped.
As I'm sitting here eating my dry turkey sandwich for lunch I had a few ideas. I'm not a modder so I don't know if they are feasible:
1) Psychotropic Drugs/Rage Engine-Component that increases offense% whil decreasing defense%
2) Commissar/political officer-component that adds to boarding defense (counts as X boarding parties or something, but is smaller)
3)Mind Blank-component that counteracts Psychic scanning(not sure how that would work, possibly replicate MC with different costs or drawbacks)
4)Martyr culture-a component that replicates kamikaze/cobalt warhead but more powerful or with some bonus
5)Zealots/Indoctrination-troop components that increase offense/defense
I think the Psychology tree could be fleshed out much more. Maybe re-creating components/facilities from other trees (provide similar bonuses) but with different costs/sizes or at different places in the Psych tree.
Any suggestions?
[ July 29, 2003, 18:27: Message edited by: KnidVermicious ]