August 3rd, 2003, 02:10 AM
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Re: [url][/url] comments
Originally posted by SamuraiProgrammer:
[QB]Excuse my ignorance, but what does Neo-Standard mean? I can guess, but guessing is not knowing.
The NeoStandard is a collection of additional hull sizes that shipset creators can add to their shipsets and mod creators can use in their mods. What's the point, you ask? Well, basically what it does is it's like a matchmaking service - on the one end are the shipset creators asking "what hull sizes should I create in my shipset so lots of mods can use my pretty pictures?" and on the other end are the mod creators who are asking "what hull sizes are commonly available in existing shipsets so I can make my mod to use the widest variety of pictures for all my custom hull sizes?" So without the NeoStandard, you might have a Star Wars mod calling for a "DeathStar" hull, but a shipset designed for P&N might have a "BattleMoon" hull in it instead, so the mod couldn't "see" the hull even though it's perfectly appropriate for the purpose. With the NeoStandard, you have a common name, "WorldShip", which P&N can take and tell the user it's a Battlemoon and the Star Wars mod can take and tell the user it's a Death Star.
The Ed draws near! What dost thou deaux?