I am in a desparate fight and need the sage advice of my community of counselors!
1) I would like a fleet in one system to intercept an enemy fleet now situated in another system. If I give the order "attack ship", will my fleet intercept the enemy fleet next turn, or just plot a course to intercept?
2) The enemy has a wormhole closer that they can use to block one of two wormhole routes my fleet could take to reach them. If they do this, will "attack ship" be intelligent enough to make use of the other route (i.e., does it plan its route before the wormhole closes, or after?) (Similar question for straight navigation -- if a wormhole closes, will my fleet find another way to reach a destination I set manually?
3) I see that I can issue the order to open a wormhole between systems that are *already* connected via a wormhole. So, suppose I give my fleet orders to pass through a wormhole on the same turn that the enemy closes that wormhole, but I also issue orders to *open* a wormhole. Can I still pass through?!
4) Even though they have the component to allow multi-target tracking, my starbases often fire every one of their engine or weapons damaging weapons at ONE enemy ship, even when I'm sure they have destroyed the engines and weapons with the first few shots. They then use their normal weapons to finish the now harmless ship off. How can I avoid this waste?
Many thanks, guys! --Merry