Want a challenge in SEIV?
and have 1.27 patch?
During setup, enable can only settle own type planet and own type atmosphere.
I did, got stuck behind 3 (or more) empty systems on one "leg"; had a damaging warp point/nebula on the other AND only one other oxy/rock planet in home system (medium size). This is gonna be a back-alley, dirty fight as ALL the AI I have met are oxy/rock races.
darn glad I didn't set finite resources...oh my! I'd be deep in the "natural fertilizer" then...
[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 01 March 2001).]
L++, Gd?, $++, Fr-, C---, S*, T?, Sf+++, Tcp, A+, Bb++@, M++, MpB5, MpT, MpD, MpSa, MpM, RV, Pwt, Fqt, Nd-, Rpt, G+, Au, Mmt,S++, Ss+,