Slynky, I don't think anything you said contradicts what I said, except maybe the Last sentance. Noone should trust me
They can trust me, but always keep an eye on me. That's what I am doing to them.
In your example about the waeker ally, you would still be helping me to win, so I would likely keep you around. The only difference is being the weaker empire myself I would always be keeping an eye out for an opportunity. Since my objective is to win, and I can't win if I am knocked out of the game I will continue being the best ally I can be for you. In the hopes that at some point our common enemy will be weakend or destroyed and I can then turn on you and end up winning. This point may come at some time before you think the common enemy has been defeated. It will be the point at which I think the best opportunity exsists for me to turn the tables.