Can\'t retrofit.
I have 300 000+ of each resource, every resource is in a positive balance.
i'm not using resource converters and I'm not trading/gifting any resorces.
And I can't retrofit a single ship, none!
I get the message:
You do not have enough resources to finance this retrofit!!
Oh yes I do!!!
If it should be a to large retrofit I'm used to getting a mesage telling me that we can't build an entire new ship, but i don't get that message now.
I've tried severeal turns with several ships but: nothing!
The Last retrofits I've tried was from
13 kt minerals
1 kt orgs
3,6 kt rads
14 kt minerals
1 kt orgs
3,6 rads.
What's up??
[ December 12, 2003, 07:12: Message edited by: Ruatha ]