Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested
Woundwort, would you have by any chance a link about this assassination attempt you mentioned? I admit I never heard about this, no wonder given the location I am living in. Obviously I don't doubt your word, but I would like some details about this. Thanks in advance!
Actually, I believe Oleg was partially right. The war in Irak might have threatened the interests of an European country, France. France may have had some access to one of the pipelines in Irak, even during the economical blockage on Irak. There were some articles in France about this topic a few months ago, but of course, it would be hard to make sure of the truth beyond these articles.
About the violations of UN resolutions by Iraq: actually a few countries broke or failed to respect these resolutions more often than Iraq. So this cannot be used as a reason to explain the war , unless you would want to be involved military in other areas as well. However, these violations are not usually even considered, and few if not no action are taken in regard to these countries. It doesn't help the credibility of the UN, but this is a whole different topic.
[ December 14, 2003, 20:01: Message edited by: Alneyan ]