January 28th, 2004, 09:24 AM
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Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Originally posted by geoschmo:
quote: Originally posted by JurijD:
Actually you´re overly english-centrical guys. Our moon is simply called "The Moon".
No, actually I am not being english-centrical. How can you say I am being english-centrical when what I am providing is not the english word? Although if I had been provding the english word for the name of the moon it would be understandable since my post was in english. It's not being "english-centric" of me to make Posts and not provide the translation for every possible language on earth. If the person reading my post cannot read english, they probably aren't reading this forum, or they have some tool available to them to do the translation. The fact that Luna and Sol are latin words is only because most scientific terms are latin words. The reason scientists use latin words for things is so they can talk to other scientists and be understood without being accused of using "english-centric" terminology.
As I said, "The Moon" is not the proper name for our moon, regardless of what language you are speaking. It is not technically incorrect, but it is not scientifically specific. Luna is the correct scientific nomenclature for our moon. It would be as similer to if people on the forum refered to you a "The Slovenian". It would not be technically incorrect, but it's not your name. And if there are others from Slovenia on the forum, we might not know who people are refering to. When you refer to the moon as "The Moon" everybody knows which moon you are talking to, because everyone hearing you is from earth. At least we think. But that doesn't make it it's name.
A roža is a rose, JurijD. You totally missed my point geo... What I was saying was this:
1. You are asking yourselves wether or not our Moon has a name. Beacause you feel that "The Moon" is not specific enough as english speaking nations refer to every natural satellite around a planet as "A Moon".
2. Therefore you proposed that "The Moons" name is "Luna" as it is the old latin/greek term for our Moon. (and those guys didn´t need to name any other moons because they didn´t know they existed).
3. When science discovered other moons they didn´t name them "Luna" but Europa, Titan, Fobos, etc. etc. So the Name "Luna" is unique in ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES!
4. I pointed out that the name "Luna" is not unique only to our Moon in slavic nations we kept the old roman/latin word for our Moon and applied it to others science discovered; whereas english developed its own word for our "Luna" .."The Moon" and applied that to other moons that were discovered.
5. Therefore saying our Moon is named "Luna" can only make sense if you are an english speaking person. For us slavic nations it would be more sensible if we would call our "Luna" "The Moon" as we don´t call any other natural satellites "The Moon"
6. Don´t get so defensive at every statement someone makes hehehe. Calling you english-centrical was not meant in the way you thought it was. It was just there to signify that your´re looking at the problem of naming our Moon from the english point of view. I just added that there other views too.
OH, and you get an A for effort on the roža. Although the word "roža" is common to most slavic Languages it does have slightly different meanings in several of them. In Slovenian "roža" doesen´t mean "a rose" but simply "a flower" or any plant that blossomes (how do u spell that) in pretty colors.
A "rose" is called "vrtnica" over here.(Translated into english "vrtnica" would mean "garden flower") But I´m curious, where did you look up "roža" ?
[ January 28, 2004, 07:34: Message edited by: JurijD ]
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