February 19th, 2004, 11:36 PM
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Re: OT- Rights in the USA and Canada and the world
Originally posted by tesco samoa:
Slynky I do not think you opened a can of worms.
I value your opinion.
And please no country bashing. I wish to keep this thread to its original intent and that is the issue of Rights and Freedoms.
Well I gotta tell you as a recent vet, and in fact I had just finished my tour Last june as some of you know, it was quite difficult to see my home town of NYC attacked. I cant fathom the total outcome of all the worlds chaos but I must admit that I would rather be here in America and have the ability as a citizen to change things as opposed to other nations who do not give that right to its citizens. My opinion is , to quote and paraphrase a certain Mel Gibson movie (Braveheart), that the government is there to serve us and not the citizens serve those in power.
Freedom isnt free....
To each their own destiny...
...we strive to follow a path that we know nothing about..yet we are only sure of one thing...
the quiet ones always change the universe...