Originally posted by Jason2:
I keep seeing people refer to the "AI" of MOO2. What AI?
A MOO2 basic game: build up for about 300 turns and then either wipe the whole galaxy or get wiped. The bonus to the computer was huge on "Hard" and "Impossible" and there were NO tactical issues to resolve as once the right fuel cell was researched all fleets could reach any planet. Even with the occasional loss to the huge fleet of the Psilons or Sakkras (almost always, no other race could win) MOO2 stayed on my hard drive about 1 month and then resurfaced for the occasional battle. The only place it was better was its mix of random events.
Just my 2 cents... lol. I think SEIV is above and beyond (wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy beyond) the better game.
Yep, MOO is like a slightly more complicated game of Checkers. Whoever builds that stack of battleships first just slides it around and cleans up the board. sigh... The genius of SE is the choice of the strategic navigation model. Instead of a flat open space, you actually have to go from one system to another along definable paths. This allows actual strategy. If tactical combat were a bit more detailed (weapon firing arcs, turn rates, and shield facings like MOO tactical combat) SE would be the perfect game.