### Announcement to the Population of the EEEvil EEEmpire Home World... ###
thEEE EEEmperor Grazic...
wishEEEs to announcEEE anothEEEr holiday...
to all EEEvil beings...
not only do wEEE now havEEE...
3 alliEEEs who bow bEEEfore our insanity...
but Last month an EEEvil "big ship"...
attackEEEd our EEEnemy's homEEE world...
all EEEvil bEEEings should cEEEllebrate...
as thEEEir EEEntire homEEE world was dEEEstroyed...
dEEEath... dEEEstruction... and EEEradication...
arEEE ours...
lEEEt thEEE fun bEEEgin...
### Transmission Ends ###
OOC - Well perhaps the Home World wasn't destroyed, but I'm not letting my insane EEEvil subjects know that.