March 7th, 2004, 10:36 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Hee...hee!!! Nothing like a good off-topic, off-topic thread.
Originally posted by Randallw:
...Also Last time I saw Days of our lives someone was possessed by the devil.
Edit: boy, is this thread getting off topic.
Yes...it seems that they've been big on possession, witchcraft, aliens, and the like lately. Desperate for a little whiz-bang I guess...tho it's still the same ol' melodramatic, let's-stretch-one-episode-into-twelve routine.
Originally posted by geoschmo:
They did one in the pilot. Major Carter was talking about some rig job they did hooking up the Stargate and she said they "MacGyvered it"...
Awesome! I guess I'll have to give the show another half star...or half thumb...or whatever.
Look it's Abbie!