Re: Completely OT : Cannes, Mickael Moore and the Iraq War
Just a question, regarding "Bowling for Columbine" for those who have seen it... when I saw it, I really did not come away with any anti-NRA feelings at all. Opponents of the documentary seem to cite the anti-NRA message a lot, especially the sliced-and-diced interview with Charlton Heston. I didn't really think it made him into a defenseless target, since (IIRC) he was just portrayed as refusing to discuss about a situation with a child being killed with a gun while having no prior knowledge of the specific case.
What I did come away with was what I thought was the central thesis to the film: many problems in the US, with guns and other things, has mainly to do with the constant fear-mongering by the political and media systems. Did anyone else come away from it with the same message?
And AT, I do hope that you eventually go see F9/11. As long as you know the (apparent) bias in the film, you will come away with a better understanding of the viewpoints opposite of your own, and can then strengthen or amend your own views based on that knowledge.
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