Lan: "Trompe" should not be too difficult to pronounce, but "l'oeil" is another matter. I think it is likely one of the hardest words to pronounce correctly. I don't know much about phonetics, but it should be vaguely as: "leuïl", with a certain stress on the "i". As soon as I get back my "how to say it" program, I will try to get a closer approximation.
Besides this, my own contribution will be "Floccinaucinihilipilification". Not only is this word fairly long, but it also means "the act of judging someone or something as worthless". You could argue it was created for the sake of making a very long word though, so that might disqualify it for competing in "Word of the day". At any rate, it should be a fun design name for my next warship, and will likely annoying the player(s) facing it to no end.