OT - a suit of shining armour...
on monday I have to apear at a umnn party as a knight in shining armor. im considering makeing a suit out of cardboard and gluing aluminium foil to it, or if that doesent look good spray painting it silver.
but I need a patern or SOMETHING to start from. anyone have any ideas?
Ive googled around a bit, found some pictures and lots of places that sell the real thing, but havent found anything realy helpfull for what I want (it only has to Last one evening, take only a weekend to make and cheap.)
actualy, a copple of weeks ago the guys in our little sosial group took the girls out, we told them to dress up, then got some old clothes for then behind there backs and intended to cream them on a roundabout (middle of an intersection type) in the end they were so perrdy we changed our minds and took them to a nice resteant, unfortunaly we told them plan A, so this is what they came up with as revenge...
Your mission WHETHER OR NOT you choose to accept it is to compete in......
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUPERHERO IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When: Monday 2 August 7pm
How: Please come dressed as A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR
*Supper will be provided. Judges decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. The organisers accept no liability for any damage to persons competing in the event or their personal property. Competitors acknowledge that while participation is in no way voluntary that they are fully responsible for any emotional or physical scarring that may be inflicted upon their own person or any third party. Although the organisers will make every attempt to ensure that the event is successful, enjoyment is at the participant’s discretion. Any competitor who is found to be tampering with any aspect of a fellow competitors dress, makeup or performance may be awarded extra points OR be eliminated from the competition dependent on how entertaining the sabotage is to the judges. Events may be recorded for quality control purposes (and so we can laugh at you later). Any participant who fails to show up will forfeit any rights they have to anything and punishment will be at the full discretion of the judges and remaining superheros. Superheros may feel free to invite superhero friends to compete but the judges ask that they be given prior warning detailing any additional competitors.
[ July 29, 2004, 10:23: Message edited by: se5a ]