Manual disappointment
I just got to check out the html manual, and I'm pretty disappointed, unfortunately. :-(
I'm not talking about it being hard to get a hard copy from the HTML Version... I'm bummed about the manual's contents.
Basically, the html manual contains high-level descriptions of the major aspects, and a blurb about all the various windows, but unless I'm missing something, it seems completely lacking in technical details. There seems to be little information in the manual that wasn't already in the in-game help.
I mean things like
- how are a planets # of facilities and cargo space calculated?
- how are to-hit %s calculated in tactical combat?
- Are the effects of multiple facilites of a given type cumulative? (ie: recplication centers)
- The .bmp images in the manual do not display correctly using Netscape. (I can see them fine using Explorer).
- What kinds of events can happen? Are they all bad?
- How exactly are the assorted racial bonuses you can spend racial poins on applied?
- And the biggest missing things: the technology tree and list of facilities and components. I had hoped the manual would show the tree and give detailed specs/info on all the facilities and components.
I can find some of this info out from digging through the text files, but that's a pain in the butt.