Re: new race suggestion: Lemmings ?
Haha - nice idea. Lots of suicide fighters of course.
Nice little racial portrait too (green hair and blue overalls like the psygnosis game=-)
A while back I toyed with the idea of doing a Terence and Phillip (from South Park) shipset. (It was after downloading the New Canadian Empire set - sorry)
All the ships would be badly drawn 2D pictures with their initials (ie ES for escort, LC for light Cruiser) printed on the side in big letters.
I decided against it in the end for reasons of political correctness / not being arsed to do the necessary work.
You could have fun with the ship names file as well. (Guff class, Air Dump class, ArseTrumpet class).
(Oh, and the environment? Methane/ Gas of course=-)