Surrender - Big Flaw in the Game
A power that surrenders should be up for grabs to those who can occupy its space first. Surrender should not go to an empire distant from the surrendering empire.
In a PBEM game that I am in, two players that I was attacking, apparently quit and the AI took over. It surrendered to another player who has better resource and technology. That playt can now instantly produce his ship designs at his newly acquired planets. I must attack him to take planets that should have been mine.
Surrendered players should simply make all of their planets neutral so that they can be carved up by any players in the vacinity.
The ability to give away planets and systems is very 'gamey' as well. I can give my planets to another player to produce his ship designs instantly. Then he can give it back and I can make my ship designs. It is kind of likely making a BMW in a Ford plant every other tuesday.