Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers
"Jack, narp got it wrong, my name is simply 'D (pronounced like the letter [Dee]). I'm not much for..."
As the three were exchanging introductions, the forest began to move. The pathway behind them slowly closed and the trees began herding them towards the river bank (if the river is still there that is)
"Heads up boys, it looks like someone wants us to move. Jack take the point, that way we will at least know if we have something to walk on."
As they approached the river bank, they notice that sure enough, there was no longer any water to splash up against the shore. All that was left was a rocky riverbed. With little choice the trio make their way accross the dry river.
"Look, a pathway is opening up leading to the mountain, and if I'm not mistaken 'that', (I point to the base of the mountain) is a cave entrance."
The small globe at the end of my staff begins to glow softly.