Re: Favorite wargame?
"Well, since you asked, the game I liked least was Three-Sixty's Patriot"
I never played Patriot, but I had similar high hopes for Wargasm. That game's graphics are awesome, but the unit control is terrible. When I play TacOps, I visualize Wargasm - maybe DiD (if DiD is still in business) could sell the engine to Major H! On the other hand, HnM's graphics are my idea of functionality. The icons have more men if the unit is larger, and you can see all the units' disruption or morale numerically at a glance (an improvement over Dragoon, though I prefer that game's sharper unit icons over the newer ones which are smoother, but seem a bit "out of focus," at least in the demo).
[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 15 January 2000).]