Re: Tell us about yourself!
Hello, my name is Jasper, and I'm a game addict... oh wait -- wrong group!
Ahem. I'm 30, happily married with sons aged 3.5 years and 4 months. I currently live in Corvallis, Oregon, USA where I work as a Code Troll, er, "Software Architect".
I've been playing computer games since about 6, starting with Star Trek, Rogue, Empire, and Adventure. Aside from the obvious computer games, I also have a long background in role playing games, board games, war games, miniature games, card games, Larps, Muds, and Fencing. I used to play (American) Football and wrestle as well. Every once in a while I think I play too many games, but it doesn't Last. ;-)
Favorite RPGs: Ars Magica, Earth Dawn, Rune Quest, Call of Cthulhu, Twilight 2300, Fading Suns.
Recent Computer Games: Dominions, Combat Mission, King of Dragon Pass, Gothic, Tron 2.0, Soul Calibur 2
Miniatures Games: Armati, Stargrunt, Dirtside.
Recent Boardgames: Mare Nostrum, Puerto Rico, Vinci, Civilization, Ursuppe; too many to list really.
Card Games: Shadow Fist
Defunct Muds: GodNet, Pandemonium
Fencing Style: Italian