Question about a feature in Dom 1
As there seems to be a lot of feature-requesting going around, I decided to de-lurk and, well, make A Contribution.
So, in Dom I there is this 'nasty' feature of converging armies and enemy attacking, which I really hope someone clarifies for me.
OK, setup (difficult-ish): I have armies A1 and A2 in provinces P1 and P2. They are both given 'move'-order to province E. Meanwhile, the heretic (henceforth: the Enemy) has her army B1 in province E and issues a 'move'-order to province A1.
Outcome of this scenario usually results in A1 NOT attacking leaving A2 to handle the B1.
My questions: Why? What's the deal with this? And most importantly, how is this handled in Dom II?
I couldn't find this in the "old forums" (, so...
- Humer