Dominion effects
AFAIK the new effects are:
Order +7% gold/lvl, -5% random events/lvl
Production +10% res/lvl, +2% gold/lvl
Heat (unc) -10% gold/lvl away from norm
Growth +2% pop/lvl, +xx? supply/lvl
Luck (unc) +20% event will be good/lvl, +5%random events/lvl away from norm
Magic (unc) +1 research/mage/lvl, -0.5 MR/lvl
It looks like Order has been relativly improved but, with patrolling being nerfed, less so then just leaving it alone would have. The lack of patrolling also makes Turmoil worse since you can't maintain your big provinces at the same level as everyone else any more. I can't see anyone not buying this.
Since Order also reduces the benefit of Luck, nations with important heroes, such as Pangea and Jotunheim, are likely to suffer. I worry about Pangea under the new regime.
Production looks better for Ulm but otherwise I usually had enough resources to spend my gold. Of course. Sloth looks better for C'tis -- who else now has good low resource troops that aren't sacred limited? Machaka and Mictlan?
Growth is dead. Since you're near your castles when defending and outside you domionion attacking the supplies are rarely a big deal. It's 10 turn ROI from population growth is 11%/turn but it comes so slow. I expect to see a lot of death dominions.
Anything else? Have Heat, Luck, and Magic changed?