October 28th, 2003, 06:51 PM
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Re: Urgent Interface Problems
Originally posted by Dekent:
I don't like expanding too much at the start, its just the way I find fun.
Having to click end turn...then host...then back on my nation IS a major pain in the butt...it would be much better that if in single player it just worked like Dom1 did and it does the turn and puts you back then and there....I was a major fan of dom 1 but this little thing alone could ruin dom 2 for me.
(I also never play multiplayer)
Hyperbole strikes again!!!
First off there's a hot key for end turn 'e' so no clicking. Then you get a chance to go back and fix something if you accidnetally hit 'e' or clicked end turn. Think of it as the 'are you sure' promt that alot of other games have.
So there's really only two clicks, which isn't much different from many other games, and if you every play hotseat you've got your little 'blind' screen built in.
Not to say that they couldn't change this mechanic, just that it seems such a trivial item to complain about I doubt they would.