October 29th, 2003, 12:06 AM
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Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.
Originally posted by ywl:
I saw army big enough for early game (at least 50 to 60 units) many times. Overall, the strategic AI behaves quite similar to Dom 1.
I have several observations:
1) AI tends to have a large number of crappy units, whereas human will go for quality (knights, emerald guards) whenever practical.
2) When you're seiging the AI capital, they'll keep trying to retake it. It's a sensible thing to do but being so predictable will make it easy to exploit. It doesn't hurt to add a degree of randomness to it.
3) Even without the tax-n-patrol trick, I can still expand faster than the AI. Do you guys have similar experience? Is there any way to improve the situation? We all know that if you lost the open-game, it's very hard to catch up.
4) Are there any nasty tricks hard-coded for the AI? Any experienced human players would have a wide arsenal of them, the AI need some to be competitive.
Yeah the AI either have small forces or mediocre army with bad unit/commander combinations, IE weak units etc.
There must be a way to improve this...
Oh just a little addition. I think that the research AI is good. Usually the AI is doing good in research as I see it from the graphs.
So battle AI, spellcasting AI, research AI seems ok, but the strategic AI is too weak in many ways.
[ October 28, 2003, 22:07: Message edited by: MStavros ]