November 12th, 2003, 10:39 PM
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Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.
Originally posted by HJ:
To try to contribute a little to the discussion.
I was thinking about the AI pacing back and forth in the border provinces. I don't know how the AI handles that situation now, and whether it's actually reacting to the border and neighbouring armies by amassing troops but then running out of supply in that particular province and hence moving the troops out. But to make it a little less predictable, maybe something like this would help:
IF (enemy army present in neighbouring province)
THEN (stay in the province for 1+x turns if not starving, where x is a random dice number)
It would seem that the AI knows when it's threatened, judging by the amount of local defense it puts into threatened provinces, and it should know whther it's out of supply as well, so maybe this would work if it's not already working this way, and the only problem is the supply route, which brings us back to the castle issue.
That seems like a reasonable idea. I'm wondering if the AI is getting caught in some kind of a yo-yo effect where it keeps seeing different threats and keeps moving to react to them, only to see them disappear in the same way that it's forces are disappearing...
The AI should be able to keep a properly suplied army in a province as well, I don't see why it's moving in too many units anyway, unless it understands the abusability of the supply rules... which is something else that could be fixed... but I digress 