Another thing that I think should be looked at is AI dominion design. Now, granted, I'm no pro, but sometimes the AI makes design decisions that are utterly suicidal. It has effectively lost before the game even began. One example, from Dom I would be Marignon with Turmoil 2, Cold 3, Death 3. Can't remember if it had sloth also. Granted, those are worth a lot of points, but I'm pretty sure that whatever the AI bought, it wasn't worth it. In the Dom II demo, turmoil seems to be a favorite of many AI opponents, and I can't figure why, as I'm always strapped for cash. As someone mentioned earlier, human designed pretenders for AIs would probably make a lot of sense. As I play mostly SP, it always pains me (when playing Dom I) to see the AI shoot itself in the foot with an idiotic domain.
Next, some anecdotal evidence of AI brilliance. I was playing Abysia, and was besieging the Tien Ch'i capital. I had Anathemant Something, plus three Warlocks as combat mages (probably not a great choice). Anyway, while sieging, there was a break-out attempt, as there always is. However, this time was different. It consisted of one commander, a mage with 3 Astral and something else, plus a few traditional troops. What happened was that the normal troops drew my army's attention long enough for the mage to slay all three of my Warlocks

with Magic Duel. Naturally, the mage died in the end, but if this was a deliberate move instead of a random happening, it shows an amazing cost/benefit analysis by the AI. Anyway, just wanted to share the story,it gives me some faith in the AI.