The following idea come from some *heated* discussions over several threads
. I guess that no matter what the game settings are, there will always be unhappy people. So, will it be a good idea to have more parameters that can change the game dynamics?
We currently have:
1) Indie Strength
2) Site Frequency
3) World Richness
and some others...
For example, we could have:
1) Indie Strength
2) Site Frequency
3) Blood Hunt efficiency - if gem income can be adjusted, there is no reason why blood income not modifiable.
4) World Wealth (affects gold income)
5) World Resources (affects resources)
6) Overtaxation Death Rate (so that people can still run a heavily economical game?)
7) Magic Richness (+/- gems for each site).
8) Number of Starting Provinces (the frequently requested feature).
Thanks Saber Cherry for 4 and 5. Any other ideas? And of course, to be meaningful, the number of parameters should probably be less than 10.