Nerfman: thanks for the links... I'll take a look around there. I am already convinced that ECM would be effective against the targetting systems, but what do you think about the saturation attack to get 100% accuracy with reduced damage?
I apologise for any agressive Posts, this forum should be for gaining knowledge foremost.
I know we're trying to get away from real world analogies here, but most modern missiles are not equipped with this homing mode. Which is either a comment on the effectiveness of this homing mode, the cost, or the state of current technology, not sure which is the major factor personally. Anyhow not all jammers work on brute force power, many of them "seduce" the missile into seeking a false target. Some methods I've read about include messing with the active range gate, by returning radar/active pulses to the missile on the same freq as its seeker thereby confusing it by messing up its range calculations. So you would have a bearing on the target but you wouldn't have the range to it. I think some ECM has a mode to generate a lot of false returns so the missile does not which target is the true one.
Thanks. I still don't see how you could get a false ping appear to come from the side. That would leave a flickering line of sensor ghosts connecting you and the missile
What if your missile sends out random patterns of sensor pulses, then listens, and only follows the recieved signal that matches the timing and frequency spacing of the transmission.
To get an ECM sensor ghost of the right "color" you'd have to guess lucky and hit the missile with the correct pattern of sensor returns.
There's nothing in space which robs a nuke of a lot of its damage from the pressure of shockwaves. There's definately thermal bloom and EMP/radiation, but to get the most out of the bLast wouldn't it still have to almost directly hit the target, thereby reducing it to the same operating paramters as a direct fire kinetic/energy weapon?
I figured that was why the CSM only does 75 damage. Most of the nuke is wasted. I was going to make CSMs not target planets, and have a specific nuke missile to hit planets with that would be more effective.
75 damage is only enough to destroy a missile launcher and an engine or two.
I'd honestly perfer to be able to make my own missiles have the launchers designed to fire missiles of a certain size, that way you could match different seekers, warheads, and propulsion systems together. There's a pretty good technical game based background on missiles in some of GDWs Traveller The New Era stuff, if you have a hankering to read about it. Some good items are in Fire Fusion and Steel and in Brilliant Lances.
Sounds like you want drone launchers with kamikaze warheads aboard
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 04 May 2001).]