>Wow. This mod is so bad it isn't even worth trying out.
I'm surprised to hear that from you.
Just what do you think is so bad?
>All it does is punish those who take negative scales, and reward those who take positive scales.
I don't see an issue with that.
It's that way now, just to a lesser extent.
Also it does more than that. It addresses the luck issue, and is an attempt to make all scales useful.
>Clearly the best choice is to put all points into scales -- far more so even than in Dom 1. 120 pts for +45% income? 120 pts for ludicrous population growth? Would anyone ever take less?
Of course they would.
A> There are reasons to do so
B> Even if I didn't think so players still would (plenty of evidence for that).
Keep in mind that the maximum gold ajustment for Dom2 is 33%. With my mod it's 45%. That's a 12% boost. It's not nearly the outrage that many here seem to think. Your starting province generates 25ish extra gold. It's not the end of the world. In Dom1 the starting max gold was effectively +60% and that was before 200%/patrolling.
Why would you not take the max? For the exact same reasons you don't do it now. Because there are other things to spend on.
>Alex, I know you like the idea of powerfull scales,
That I do.
>and prefer low or even no magic pretenders,
No I don't prefer them. I used them in Dom1 because that's what worked. I have always lead the charge on wanting more power for the mage pretenders.
My preference is always for all paths to be of value.
>but do you honestly think this leads to any balance or variety?
Do you think that the scale pumping I did will make players forget their gods? If so what does that say about the current balance? Wouldn't that imply that the gods are more important than scales right now? I don't see that as good. I don't want any obvious best choices. You feel that my mod makes scales an obvious best choice? Possibly. But don't you think you should try it before making that assumption?