Well, thanks to all for the interest !
Phalangites : KO (I mean Kristoffer

), if I use long 1H spear, my phalangite will only be an under-hoplite and not have much interest... I'd rather give them a "real" 2H pike and buff their armor somewhat (chainmail hauberk ?) to give them a decent prot.
About the graphics I really suck at that and don't event know how to change colors to an image without ruining the background, so I definitely need help ..
Cavalry : looking at the current unit what I think is that overall, the Arco HC need an improved, high morale unit to represent Agema/Companions, and maybe another "medium cav" Lancer unit (meant for shock and not too much expensive, in fact it could be a cool unit). The current LC looks Ok (crappy as all LC but OK...).
Keir, I have some material, but be happy to discuss equipement issues
As soon as I manage to find some time I'd post my units stats