Help! Game crashes after 60-80 turns
I have the full Version of the game and it is up to date. All my drivers and service paks are also up to date. My PC is an Alienware P4 2.53 Gig, 1 Gig RAM, Nvidia Geforce 4 Ti 4600, Creative SB audigy Gamer sound card.
I generally play single player single province start on the large map that comes on the disk. But every time I get to turn 60-80 or so, the game crashes to desktop while trying to host a turn.
I have generated a tech complaint with Shrapnel and have been trying to get this addressed by Illwinter, but they are unable to re-create the CTD on their end. I've sent two separate saves to them and both times they had no problem getting the turn to execute.
The weird part is the first save executed on my PC fine the next day, after having failed 8-10 times the night before. The second one still will not execute even after well over 12 attempts to get it to work.
I tried playing the returned (successfully executed by them) file of the second game, and after another 6-10 turns, boom another CTD. Then after a half dozen tries or so it worked!
Has anyone else here been plagued with such problems? I am about to uninstall this title which could be the sleeper hit of the decade. Illwinter suggested I post here as they are unable to assist me in figuring out what is going wrong because of their lack of ability to recreate the crash.
[ January 21, 2004, 16:28: Message edited by: Felgar ]
We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back.
-- Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf (Bagdad Bob)