This Game Sucks!!!
(This is my first post on this board)
I bought the game without trying out the Demo, because I am adventerous like that. I was looking for a new turn-based game and really wanted a fantasy game since I am unable to get MoM working despite my best efforts (XP suks too!). I bought Master of Orion 3, thinking it would be like the 2nd one; stupid me. So, I got Age of Wonders Shadow Magic, and wasn't to impressed. Some one on another board told me to try Dominions 2, so I ordered, and about a week ago I got it.
I spent almost two days going through the manual and the walk through, and then, I loaded the game.
I wasn't to impressed with the graphics I saw, but I figured who cares, I was willing to settle for MoM. So I started to play. The interface took some time to get use to, and I don't think I still completely understand it. Yet, 35 games later and over 100 hours of my time wasted I finally got a realm with more than 4 provinces!!! Yaaay!
Anyway, to get to the point, here are some reasons why This Game Sucks!!! (feel free to add some of your own)
-Too many starting options; If I wanted a game that took me 500 years to figure out how to best begin the game I would of just got a chess set! God shapes, dominion, stupid little scales, themes, castles, and then the magic!!! WTF!!! All these starting options will just give the game even more play time, which really adds nothing to the game.
-Too many spells; Come on who needs all those spells? I say one spell per path, and it can just go up in strength per level. That should be enough, right? And they should all be "ball" spells. Fire dude a fireball , water dude a waterball, death dude a deathball, etc...easy. It really takes a lot from the game when you have to sort through all those spells.
-Too many units; Do you really need more than a guy who shoots missles and a guy who swings a sword? It really confuses me when you have like 100 guys who can all swing a sword but this guy can do it under water, this guy does it faster, this guy has better armor, blah blah blah. Really! Enough with all the units!
-Too many magic sites; Yeah it's nice to have little discoveries now and then, but do they all have to be different? All this does is make you anxiously run around trying to uncover magic sites to find anoter 1 of the 10000s of troops or help you get 1 of a billion gem combination to let you cast 1 of a trillion spells... Really takes away from the butt kicking nature I thought this game would be about.
-Too many random event; everytime I hit the end turn/host button SOMETHING HAPPENS!!! What's up with that?! The game really slows down when some superhero dude wants to join my army or my people killed a stupid witch and stole her gems.
-The SFX in battle mode are lame; Come on guys, why make a sucky game even suckier by putting in 3D graphics. Everyone knows that all the good games have tiles that represent units and they just girate to pictate a fight... Really, was any development put into the game?!
-To Many Things To Do; This game is micromanagement hell! Everytime I want to play a turn, especially late in the game, I have to go through every province and double check to make sure I am not wasting money or resources, or that they are defended well enough, or that I have spells being cast, or that I have dudes moving around, or that I am recruiting the right people. I think if you take my other comments and just give 2 units and 1 spell and then make everything earn the same amount of gold and resources and recruit the same and cast the same no matter what, the MMing will work itself out. Also, make the map and the provinces linear, that way you know which way would be the best way to go and you don't have to worry about building the right buildings in the right spot.
-This Game is Not Relaxing; Games are suppose to relaxing, this game is not. I'm always stressing over that "host" button; did I catch everything, am I going to die? What the!!!
-The Music is Too Hypnotic; It's as if your trying to lure us into the game with your happy little tunes. It's saying come play me, I have happy little tunes, play the game!!!
-The Game is Too Addictive; Seriously, this is a big problem.. no, it's a HUGE problem. How are you suppose to stop? It's like there's crack cocaine in the programming or something. Someone should really report the programmers to the FBI, CIA, FDA, ATF, AFA, or some Federal agency that can't put an end to these types of games. When my wifey leaves me for playing this game too much they will surely be hearing from my attorney!
Well, that's all I got so far. Oh, and in case you couldn't figure it out... ah, nevermind. I have already wasted too much time posting here; I need to go play Dominions II!!!!