Re: Give me good reasons why R\'lyeh is a balanced nation.
Excuse me for digging this post out of the archives, but I searched beforehand....
I don't get R'lyeh yet. Following things baffle me:
- No sacred troops. Upkeep ouch. Why?
- For the price of 1 Theurg (150), which has 3 Priest + 4 magic (and nice ones too), I get a starspawn, which has only 2 magic but mind bLast. Why is that a fair trade?
- That leaves one other mage, the big starspawn. I guess I just havent figured out how to use him well, since I have upkeep and resource problems.
Why do people think R'yleh is overpowered? (Well I agree: neat, it is neat, but overpowered? Antimagic or Mindless troops is like staff of storms to bowmen, and then what do they have? Lobos.)