Tartarian factory
This is a thing I wanted to try for a long time (as soon as I got my retail Version a few months ago and read the TG spell description) but I never found the time to test it until recently.
Pick Arcoscephale, a PoD with 5 in death, and buy a good magic dominion - I tested with Order+3, Prod+3, Growth+1, Magic+1, the 40-admin castle and a dominion of 5. Enough to give a 230ish starting econ and recruit all the hypaspists and hoplites you can.
Research what you need to fuel your expansion - for me it was Conj 1, Alt 3, Evoc 2, Constr 6, Enchant 3, Thaum 4. Then switch to Conjuration until level 9. I reached it in turn 31 (could have been as soon as 29 if I hadn't unnecessarily dispatched mages to fight an angry AI neighbor), and at that time I had a gem income of +13 death and +19 nature (as well as a mage who could use the latter for Gift of Reason). Forge a Skull Staff and Skullface, and have the PoD chain cast TG while 5-6 priestesses heal troops in the same province. Cast GoR on the Tartarian summons who come without leader status.
The result is truly insane and beats Ice Devil summoning by a long shot. Not to mention Arco's magic versatility makes it the perfect choice to equip your Titans, Cyclops, Monstra and whatnot.
Who needs a Nataraja when you can summon one of these beasts each turn so soon?
God does not play dice, He plays Dominions Albert von Ulm