February 17th, 2004, 08:57 AM
Re: Golden Era Discussion
Originally posted by Nagot Gick Fel:
Or I'd like to have them build some sort of special siege unit - give me Trojan horses please!
Wooden Constructs anyone?
It seems they also affect your own dominion. Might be an idea to go full sloth and deploy some Skeptics in your production centers to get an average production scale there, and stick to peltasts in the capital.
That would also take away your order. Hard decision; but I suppose you could. If you did take Sloth 3 (which also impacts your gold flow nationwide, though I suppose you just take Growth to counter it) you also lose your Order 3 and Luck/Misfortune in that production center.
More than likely I imagine I'd prefer getting 21% Gold while still being able to manufacture 10% less (or 30% if you take the big sloth hit).