Finding an appropriate Communion Slave
After reading the various threads I found on the subjects Communion Slave and T'ien Chi, I would like to start this one here with the question in mind:
How can I get a good communion slave for Tien Chi Spring and Autumn?
Empowerment seems way out of the question.
Using a Celestial Master as a slave just seems like such a waste.
Hoping for a nice pick for a Master of the Way might give me 1-3 in two dozen turns, but that doesnt sound like a decent strategy upon which to *rely*.
So I figure: manufacture Matrixes and put them on the Masters of the Dead.
Slave matrixes cost 1E and 1S, Construc 4. So either I will need a pretender to do this or have luck with a Celest Master/Mot5E. Also tough. Or not?
Or research up to Conc 7 and cast Forge, then anyone can forge them?
What other options are open to me?
I just *loooove* the celestial master, for 250 gold he is a dirt cheap multitasker, but I would love to be able to cast those 100+ fatigue spells with him, and I cant do that without some slaves.
Thank you.