As I really like the general Orania War setup, and especially the map, but despair because the AI nearly always loses to me in the magical site race, I have decided to write a new scenario based solidly on the old one but with each nation given certain initial advantages in the forms of sites or extra leaders, sometimes in line with their default theme, sometimes giving a unique boost for the hell of it. Independents have also been set to 9. In general, it seems that the AI performs better vs. humans at higher independent settings - possibly because rapid expansion as a human the first dozen turns is a bit harder.
I am now up to Version 0.6, which can be downloaded from my site.
Download Orania Nasty Edition v0.6 here
As every nation is now rather more powerful initially, the question arises whether it is well balanced. While I am happy to announce that the AI seems to utilize its new sites quite efficiently, the most likely answer on the topic of balance at this time is probably a resounding NO.
All 17 nations have had their initial conditions changed, and there is no way in hell I have enough time to comprehensively test balance - I am too busy playing the scenario for fun
As such, I will value all constructive criticism and change suggestions that may be made based on examining, or better yet, playing, the scenario - even "YOU DID WHAT!?!" Posts. (1)
(1) Erhm. Just to forestall one of the obvious ones: The Ermorian Wraith Lord named "Beyond Reproach" does not throw the game. It has a weakness most uncommon to Wraith Lords - the use of astral magic.
[ February 27, 2004, 11:10: Message edited by: Peter Ebbesen ]