Blood-1 in Vanheim
I wish I were better at Vanheim, because I think it would support at least one form of playing style I like. Be that as it may, my question is:
- What is the deal with blood-1 skills?
I mean this: In the default theme, there are exactly two commanders who have some skill in Blood, and both of these (fairly expensive) commanders have exactly 1 point in it. (In Helhelm, it is 1 commander.) Right. I would like to know your ideas or speculations on how I can use this, or what one is "supposed" to do with this. To be more precise: I need at least Blood 3 in order to be able to forge any items which increase my blood skill (exception: Unique item Book o Secrets, req. 2, and the Ring of Sorcery, Astral 4). Which means if I want to do anything requiring blood 2 or more, I need to get a pretender with blood. All right, I can do that, go on some hunts and make him forge the results.
But I suppose my question is: What can you do with Blood 1? Have my really expensive commander blood hunt? I suppose that could be the answer, but I doubt it, especially after reading Saber Cherry's excellent summary on how inefficient that is. So is the plan: If you want to make use of the blood skill of those commanders, get a blood-3+ pretender, make him forge some brazen vessels etc., and boost those commanders? Or can I use blood-1 for anything interesting that I have (obviously!) overlooked?
Thanks much in advance.