game difficult to play
Just started playing, and just came to this forum. Not sure if this topic covered or if it has ever been a topic, if a patch would help or if any patches are out. I am having difficulty because the game does not respond to orders. For instance when trying to scroll(I assume I have to use keyboard arrows) sometimes I have to hit the arrow key 5 or 6 times before a response, or I have to hold the key down a couple of seconds before any response. Same goes for mouse-cllicking on provinces, except not as bad. And the battles take for friggin' ever to complete. I have several games(Aow2, RoN, Civ3, MedTotW) with much greater graphics needs and I have nothing even close to these kinds of problems. I have done everything in the options menu I could find to lessen graphic detail and still no improvement. I appreciate any advice. Thank you.