think this should fix most issues with the AI troopbuilding.
I dunno how squad assembly or troop gathering from provinces work, so maybe this has to be tweaked accordingly.
Could anyone else than me use this algorithm in a test game to see if it works out? Could be that I'm quite biased and don't see obvious weeknesses...
call buildcastle go here
0) IF ERMOR(Ash, soul)OR PANGAEA(CarrWoods) GOTO 2)
IF (availablemoney) STILL >400
BUILD lab where's a special commander(mage) to build
IF (numberofprovinces)>(numberofcastles)*4
AND ((turnnumber)-(numberofcastles)*10)*10%=true SAVEMONEYTURN=true
1) Build troops at castles in following order
- most expensive mage commander (max. 1/2 of available money)
- assassin/spy/bard etc. IF ((turnnumber)-5)*10%=true
- priest w/o magic IF (turnnumber)*3<(numberofpriests)
- most heavily armed commander IF (turnnumber)>5
- scout
- holy troop IF (bless effect)=true
- heavy troopsress)>14 with (strat move)>1, best move first IF 2 pieces possible
- heavy troopsress)>14 IF 3 pieces
- medium troops: (ress)>11 IF 3 pieces
- archers: IF Long-/Compound Bow
- light troops: (ress)>7 IF 3 pieces
- fill with light archers
[if there are multiple troops that fit a condition, mix equally]
[bless effect=true IF 3 pathes @4 OR 1@6/1@4 OR 1@9 or better]
2) Build special troops
- special commanders IF mage
IF special troops ARE undead, amphibic, flyers
- build as many special troops as ressources, (availablemoney)/2, (commandvalue) allows
3) Build patrols at province w/o castle and less than 20 troops on patrol
IF borders enemy prov.
OR has lab, but no castle
OR has only 2 land neighbours
OR has 3 neighbours, but only 1 owned
- most mobile commander IF (troopnumber)>(commandvalue)
- highest movement[for patrol]
if you have trouble deciphering the "code" part, use the font size option of your browser. There's no way I could fiddle with it using the BB code here...
***!!, *URL* tag doesn't work within *code* tag, so I had to put the URL for the castle buildind algorithm seperatly
[ April 16, 2004, 06:45: Message edited by: Arralen ]