Over easter I improved the randomization code of my small scripts for generating dominion maps, and perhaps more importantly, I've finished a proper read-me which describes how to create configuration files (.ran files) for the randomization process.
The updated files, together with two example .ran files can be found at
http://home.Online.no/~rmoldskr/Domi...DomScripts.zip and I've also adde the automatic generation of extra .map files to my daily generated maps. So if you want to see the result of the two .ran files included with DomScripts.zip, just download any of the random maps from
The two .ran files I've created so far is pretty much just a brief example of how to do things, and of what can be done. I'm sure people can create .ran files which makes much more interesting and balanced maps. But even if you just create .ran files for amusing maps, please send them to me so I can include them with the map-generation.