Commander Gembox Autorestocking - The Return
Old suggestion, new thread! Just wondering if we could get some kind of consensus on how important this is to players, and on how we'd like to see it implemented. As I presently see it:
Some hotkey or other(Tilde! Tilde!) brings you to a commander's "wishlisht gembox". This is exactly like the gem assigning screen, save that no lab is required to access it, and there's no need to show your nation's present gem treasury(Not that it'd hurt). On this screen, you can assign the commander any number of gems of any variety you like, up to a combined total of 30, and also flag particular gem types(Astral, death, whatever) "Mule Mode".
Whenever this commander starts a turn in a province with a lab, he fills his gembox to these specifications, a la blood sacrifice restock. If he hasn't got any room(That is, his wishlist is 30 death gems, and he's already carrying 4 earth gems, leaving room for 26), a random combination of gems/whichever gems are Last in the order(Blood slaves and nature gems) are not restocked.
Furthermore, when a commander's wishlist includes gems not set to "Mule Mode", and the commander starts a turn in a province with another commander carrying gems of this sort on "Mule Mode", the nonmule commander will restock his gems from the mule's gembox. In the case of multiple mules and needy commanders, this happens in random order/the order of the commanders/whatever. Either way, this happens just before laboratory restocking(Empty the mules first, then fill them back up from the National Gem Deposit).
Gembox wishlists, gem Mule Modes included, should be copy/pasteable, like battle order scripts. In fact, I don't think too many people would mind if they were just attached to battle order scripts. Same type of mage/loot carrying scout, same armaments and provisions, right?
Sound good so far? Too complex to execute/use? Admit it, you like it. Snobs.