Re: Dominions II T-Shirt Contest
1. Actually, there IS a knight in my pocket...
2. Actually, there IS a Gift of Kurgi in my pocket...
3. I'm no god... yet!
4. Check out my Pretender
5. Check out my prophet
6. Look at the size of that prophet
7. Look at the size of my prophet
8. Look at the size of that Pretender
9. Look at the size of my Pretender
10. Dominions II - Divine Might Made Easy
11. I got Bogus'd
12. God Under Construction
13. My dominion is bigger that your dominion
14. Instant Pretender - just add faith
15. If you can read this, you have just been Horror Marked. (add image of Horror Mark)
16. If you can read this, you have just been Cursed. (Might need a image of Totem Shield).
17. Oh my... Me!
18. Pan failure - got Order.
[Edit. Added the following]
19. Can You Feel My Dominion?
20. Spreading Dominion.
21. Pretending I'm There
22. Will Crush Nations For Faith
23. This mod was brought to you by Real Life(tm)
24. I Wish.
25. This year's harvest was Greatest Ever!
26. Powered by Dominions
27. (pretender) God Complex
[ April 29, 2004, 08:52: Message edited by: Humer ]