Wish ... Berserk ... Gems ... ???
Wish ...
I used it but I noticed:
A: Power wishing cannot be double, I wasted a Wish. It would be nice to put an alarm.
B: An item wished appears in the hand of the Caster, not in the laboratory. And if I wish for a cursed item but I need it for someonelse?
C: How's possible to Wish for Power, or Magic Power for someone else? (ie the Prophet). Someone told me it'isn't possible. Why not?
Berserk: It's possible to spellcast in berserk?
(well my pretender wished for Harvest Blade and now I wasted all his magic skills --- about 40 total levels beetween items and his own magic)
Gems: If a 2nd lvl Earth have to cast a 3rd level earth he can spend 1 Earth Gem to cast it.
He can spend 4 Gems to cast a 6th level earth spell?
How do I get rid of a Cursed Item (harvest blade)?
- Cohen
- The Paladin of the Lost Causes
- The Prophet of the National Armyes
- The Enemy of the SC and all the overpowered and unbalanced things.