Question: Defense Dilemma
As I get deeper into the game I often find myself playing "wack-a-mole" when forced to defend my area against incursion. By this I mean that I have a force sufficient to defeat the enemy force but they continually skip to another province. And yes... sometimes I can predict where they will go and ambush them, but this depends to a certain extent on luck which is just terrible.
And its just a fact that there are some geographies that have no bottlenecks and are thus really hard to defend. So its seeming to me that in these cases you would need to keep a defense force that was substantially larger than the attackers. That way you could corral the enemy and attack them in proper fashion.
Am I missing something with regards to area defense? Without an order like "intercept this army" I cannot imagine that I am the only one who is encountering it. Additionally, I can't believe that it is appropriate to say that the *defender* must have numeric superiority. Please let me know your stratgies for dealing this problem.