MP Game - New Mosehanson Game: Low Magic: Started!
settings are indep 9, research difficult, commen events, normal richness, hof 15, and magic sites 0.
I wanted to use the cradle map, but i couldn't select it, so i choose eye instead. If someone knows how to select the cradle man please tell me.
house rules:
1) only 2 of each gem producing item per player. that means you can have 2 clams, but if you trade one of them away you can forge another one.
2) no nations/themes that have recruitable blood mages. This means van, joton, mictan, and abysia are out, as are BF ulm, DF marigon, and base pan. This doesn't mean you can't blood hunt, you just have to do it with random blood picks, indep mages, commanders without blood skill, or with your pretender.
3) no VQ or FoB.
I'll be playing Machaka
[ June 08, 2004, 23:08: Message edited by: odd_enuf ]