July 8th, 2004, 12:25 PM
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Re: Players needed for an experimental game
Sounds fun, I'm in.
Originally posted by tinkthank:
I'm afraid I don't understand at all, sorry.
I'll try to clarify a bit. Of cource, what i say might all be fubar, but I'll just take the chance
1. Do you mean by "assassin" that my job will be to eliminate a specific opponent nation (either by out-preaching or by conquering all provinces)?
correct, as far as i undrestand it
2. Is this correct: If my first choice was, say, Caelum, and I get "assigned" my first choice by the algorithm you mentioned in your first post, then my job will be to assassinate Caelum and I will do this by playing the nation which the Caelum player originally wanted to play?
Let's say your first choise was caelum, and your victim's first choise was abysia. Your victim plays with the abysia that was created by you, and you will play with the caelum that was created by your assasin. Thus everyone knows everything about their victim and nothing about their assasin.
3. To be honest, I can't remember at all which pretender designs I sent in; this was a very busy week. Does that matter?
Well, knowing exactly the design of the guy you are supposed to take out would be very helpful, but it's not really mandatory
4. If I know whom I am supposed to "assassinate", won't they know who it is that is supposed to assassinate them (because I will be playing the nation which they wanted)?
No, because you will play the nation you wanted. Simply
Thanks for clarifying, sorry if I am slow today